Intuitiv Coach som använder stenar för att ge dig klarhet och insikt så att du finner vägen framåt.
Intuitive coach using gemstones to help you find clarity and get insights for your way forward.
Johanna Andrén
Gemstone Reader- Intuitive Coach
Through the use of gemstones I help you by giving insights and perspectives from a deep intuitive connection with your energy, your subconscious and with the universal flow.
I help you bring forth what you probably already know but can’t see, and I help you to understand how it fits in with that which is going on for you now.
My coaching style is warm, compassionate, and intuitive. I will create a safe space for you to explore your emotions and challenges so that you may receive guidance, clarity and support.
I do readings in English, Swedish and Spanish.
Coming Soon!
Full Reading
We meet on Zoom where you get to meet me and see all of the Gemstones. From these you start with picking 9 stones of your liking. From there you will get a general overview and reading from what shows up.
After that, you can ask specific questions- you choose 3 stones per question- and we take the reading where it leads us, or where you want to dive deeper. The time is yours!
70 Euro
ca. 780 SEK
Questions Session
We meet on Zoom where you get to meet me and see all of the Gemstones. You bring forth your question, or a topic in your life. It can be about work, your relationship, how to go about a specific thing that is in your life right now, or anything that you would like to have some clarity on.
Thinking on your question you select 3 of the gemstones.
Based on that I will use my intuitive abilities to give you perspectives on the particular topic. You may ask as many questions as you like during the session.
30 Minutes
45 Euro
ca. 500 SEK
1 Question- 3 Stones
We meet on Zoom where you get to meet me and see all of the Gemstones. You bring forth your question, or a topic in your life. It can be about work, your relationship, how to go about a specific thing that is in your life right now, or anything that you would like to have some clarity on.
Thinking on your question you select 3 of the gemstones.
Based on that I will use my intuitive abilities to give you perspectives on the particular topic.
25 Euro
ca. 290 SEK
Full Läsning- In Real Life!
Möt mig och mina stenar hos mig!
Jag tar emot dig personligen hos mig. Vi sitter i mitt trevliga kök på Henriksdalsberget, precis utanför tullarna i Stockholm.
Vi börjar läsningen med en allmän läsning och du väljer 9 stenar. Efter det kan du ställa specifika frågor- du väljer 3 stenar per fråga- och vi tar läsningen dit den leder oss, eller dit du vill dyka djupare. Tiden är din!
Reading in English, Swedish and Spanish.
60 Minuter
850 SEK
Förboka eller Drop-In
Önskar du få klarhet och fördjupad insikt i det som pågår just nu så att du kan finna den rätt vägen inför våren?
Jag kommer finnas på plats mellan kl. 9-18 den 6-7 April i Solnahallen och jag läser dina stenar med uppkopplad intuition och värme.
Finn mig i Hall C på Rad 17!
27 Euro förbokad här
350 Sek Swish på plats
25 Minuters läsning
Place Holder
Sök & Finn Stockholm
Önskar du få klarhet och fördjupad insikt i det som pågår just nu så att du kan finna den rätt vägen inför hösten?
Jag kommer finnas på plats mellan kl. 12-16 den 27 Augusti och jag läser dina stenar med uppkopplad intuition och värme.
Vilka stenar berättar din historia?
Place Holder
Sudersand Fårö
Möt mig och mina stenar på stranden!
Jag kommer vara på Sudersand- Fårö Surf, Yoga and massage– mellan den 8-13 august 2023. Boka redan nu för att höra vad stenarna säger för dig.
Vi börjar läsningen med en allmän läsning och du väljer 9 stenar. Efter det kan du ställa specifika frågor- du väljer 3 stenar per fråga- och vi tar läsningen dit den leder oss, eller dit du vill dyka djupare. Tiden är din!
600 SEK- 50 Minuter
“Johanna has a true gift. I booked a 50-minute reading because I liked the idea of starting broad first before narrowing down to specific questions. Johanna was spot-on in describing aspects of my current situation from both a personal and professional perspective based on the stones selected and what they implied. This gave me confidence in the credibility of the predictive aspects of the reading. Johanna has an easy and warm personality. Even though the session was conducted over Zoom, nothing was lost in terms of connection via the digital format. It was such a rich session, I felt it could have gone much longer, and I already want to schedule a follow up session to further explore certain elements that came up in the reading. Still, the session never felt rushed. Johanna readily paused to answer my questions, and encouraged diving deeper. I would highly recommend the experience, and indeed, have already passed on her details to a friend!”
Amy CONFIDENCE“Johanna was very warm and kind during the entire session. The reading was interesting, I had never done such a thing before. I got to pick three stones to each question I phrased, and Johanna would explain on the basis of the stones that I picked, what the answer to the question could be. It was both interesting and insightful. Some things really resonated with me, others were surprising. The most important thing that I took from the session, was an external confirmation of my internal feeling that I am doing the right things in my life right now. I took notes so that I can review what came up in the session in the next steps to be taken. I am grateful for the session and for Johanna's kindness and excited for what the future will bring.”
Irene EXTERNAL CONFIRMATION“Getting a gemstone reading with Johanna was a truly magical experience for me. Johanna's intuition and ability to connect with energies are extremely powerful. She provided a detailed description of my current life situations and uncovered what I had been feeling but my mind had blocked. Through her reading, I gained inner peace and a better understanding of where I am, where I am heading, and how to get there.”
Natalia INNER PEACE“Johanna is an intuitive, warm and welcoming person who made me feel at ease right away. The reading was spot on for all 3 questions and went to essence of the matter. It helped me to release worry and fear and step into happiness and joy and to trust the divine timing of my life”
Jaqueline FROM WORRIES TO JOY“Läsningen med Johanna kändes bra. Utan att jag gett för mycket detaljer förstod hon situationen utav de ämnen som jag ville få bättre klarhet i, både angående beslut som jag tagit o framtida projekt.”
“I arrived, asking myself, what shall I focus on to make the greatest progress with my business. I left being aware of what that was and feeling confident on my next decision in life. It's time for me to accept and embrace the love from my mom the way she expresses it. Something I wasn't aware of was blocking me to expand, yet something I've sensed been a powerful topic my entire life. At first, I found the conversation a bit, like ok, I got it, can we move on now. But right there, I realized I was trying to escape what actually was a bit uncomfortable, and knew this was what I had to hear. So I stayed, and Johanna helped me be conscious of what had been unconscious for years - in 20 minutes. To say that's powerful is the least. I'll call my mom this weekend and get out of my OWN way. That Johanna could pick up on this is a gift beyond the rational, a gift I appreciate and highly recommend you to experience so that you can move forward with your projects, business, and relationship with new direction, clear focus -feeling motivated and assured”